Staff and Church Leadership

The Reverend Greg Sabetta was called as our pastor in February of 2023. He is a graduate of The Chicago Theological Seminary and was ordained at St. Pauls UCC in Lincoln Park in 2009. In a previous life, he was a professional musician and has been directing the music for the Jewish High Holy Days at Emanuel Congregation for over 20 years. Greg’s employment history includes arts administration, marketing director for a music publisher, and director of community relations for The Night Ministry, where his call to ministry awakened. He convenes a knitting group for men and his knitwear has been featured in an art gallery. Pastor Greg takes an incarnational approach to his sermons and ministry in general, constantly attempting to understand how the ancient narratives we’ve inherited can be faithfully applied to our living today. Favorite quote: “Pray as if everything depends on God. Act as if everything depends on you.” (Attributed to both the Talmud and Augustine of Hippo)
Robin Smith is our office manager and has been with us for over 20 years! She is the friendly, welcoming, efficient face of our congregation and she has all the answers!
Dr. Michael Finlay began his ministry of music with us in December of 2023. Michael is a highly acclaimed solo pianist and chamber musician, having recently performed at the Dame Myra Hess Series in Chicago. He is a 2022 recipient of The American Prize Ernst Bacon Memorial Award. At the age of 15, he attended the prestigious Interlochen Arts Academy on a full scholarship. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music, and Master’s from the Peabody Conservatory, and a Doctorate from the University of Montreal.
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month
Christine Jorns | president
Leo Figueroa | vice-president
Randy Putman | treasurer
Linda Zillner | recording secretary